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Our Score

Financial Strength
Profitability Metrics
Historical Valuation Ratios
Ev-to-Rev: How much a company is worthed (include debt, minus cash) per sale.
P/S: How much you pay per sale.
P/E: How much you pay per earning.
PEG: How much you pay per earning growth.
Sankey Diagram
Latest Full Annual Report
Educational Forecast
Jim Simons Forecast*: Inspired by the great math professor Jim Simons, with an average return of 39.1% yearly SHORT-TERM TRADING stocks between 1988-2018 by using math, replicated with HMM, statistical and machine learning models.
Peter Lynch Forecast*: Inspired by the great growth investor Peter Lynch, with an average return of 29.2% yearly INVESTING stocks between 1977-1990, modified to use both PEG ratio and PS ratio over revenue growth to stay relevant with modern era.
Our model (soon): Using our own expertise in machine learning and other various factors.
Metric | Value |
Rev Growth/Year Typically at 5-15% for matured companies, 20%+ for growth ones | |
Net Inc. Growth/Year Typically at 8-15% for matured companies, 20%+ for growth ones | |
Forward PE or PS Ratio PE if company has positive eps, PS otherwise | |
Share Price | $500 |
CAGR % Measures average annual growth rate |

ETF Details
Total Assets:
Expense Ratio:
🟢 if <= to 0.5%,
🔴 if above
Yield Percentage:
🟢 if >= 2%,
🔴 if below
YTD Return:
3-Year Return:
Compare vs S&P 500:
🟢 if beats
🟡 if matches
🔴 if worses
5-Year Return:
Compare vs S&P 500:
🟢 if beats
🟡 if matches
🔴 if worses
Top Holdings
Name | Weight |
Holding | Weight |
Breakdown of Top Holdings
Asset Allocation
Name | Weight |